We guarantee the hygienic production of BARF products with excellent texture and precise weight through our machine solutions. Our machines chop or mince products cleanly and with exceptional weight accuracy, knead or mix them gently without “stressing” the product, and portion them directly into the container of your choice.

We excel in the production of pet food made from ingredients such as fresh or deep-frozen meat, offal, bones and fish, supplemented with fruit and vegetables. Our focus is on providing:

  • Hygienic processing to ensure food safety.
  • Accurate portion weights to meet quality standards.
  • Portioning directly into the container, such as heat-sealed packs, provides convenience and process efficiency.


We are committed to providing you with solutions that not only meet the highest hygienic requirements but also optimise the efficiency of your BARF product production.

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Avenida del camino nou 12 , 46910 - Bentusser - Valencia